
Important BOGM Articles Posted on Rumor Mill News As of June 2023.

A Public Service By "Mroxygen," Elder of The Breath of God Ministry

winged Sovereign Soldiers logo CLS

SOURCE has ENDED the ancient alien slavery of Humans!

Full Mitochondrial repairs are being reported.


In our opinion, WE consider restoring our youth and energy and releasing disease to be part of the ending of human slavery.

The UltraMito products themselves do not do anything!

Source designed our Mitochondria, and our Mitochondria can do EVERYTHING that Source designed them to do!

These live reports are intended solely for our entertainment and published by the Breath of God Ministry.

Actual users excitedly exclaiming the joy they feel while feeding their Mitochondria.

Once our Mitochondria start fully working again, Hallelujah!

You can get up to date versions of this article list by going to and searching “Articles written by MrOxygen” “Since October 2022”